Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cambridge Cirtificate in Advanced English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), also known as the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), is an international English language examination developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment (previously known as University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations). It is targeted at Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and can be used for study, work and immigration purposes.

Here you can freely download the series of CAE books which are, to some extend, helpful for your dream of reaching the C1 Level of the CEFR.

CAE 1: Book + Audio 1 + Audio 2
CAE 2: Book + Audio
CAE 3: Book + Audio
CAE 4: Book + Audio
CAE 5: Book + Audio
CAE 6: Book + Audio

Download instruction: Click on the Link, wait for 5 seconds, then click the Skip Ad in the up-right conner.
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

QUIZ about English tenses 2

 Here is another 20-question quiz about English verb tense. Can you got 20/20 correct answers? Prove your talent Now.

1. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong ___down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another planet.   
2. He went back to work in his country after he ………… his course on Advanced Engineering in London.   
3. We……………the film last night because we…………it several times before.   
4. By the time I got to the station, …………….   
5. John’s father often………coffee in the morning but yesterday morning he………tea instead.   
6. Finally, Miss Linh……… to join us on the trip to the Cat Ba islands.   
7. They ……………..a new school for disadvantaged children in our village.   
8. She regretted to tell him that………………   
9. When boarding the plane, many passengers were annoyed because they ________ waiting in the airport for three ad a half hours.   
10. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach________ any more.   
11. Their football team________ a championship until last season.   
12. By the end of this year, Tom ________English for three years.   
13. She will go abroad as soon as she________ this English course.   
14. She will go abroad as soon as she________ this English course.   
15. This is the first time they…………….a modern sewing machine.   
16. They ………..at home to watch the final football match on TV now.   
17. I first met her two years ago when we…………at Oxford University.   
18. Kim: “ what……………this weekend?” Sally: “ Oh, we’re going windsurfing. It’s fantastic.”   
19. In one year's time, I________ in this school for 15 years.   
20. They ________ this course by next June.   

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QUIZ about English tenses 1

Here is a 20-question quiz about English verb tense. Can you got 20/20 correct answers? Prove your talent Now.

1. My friend _______ to the museum last weekend.   
2. Our Singaporean friends _____ to visit our school last year.   
3. The children _____ their parents for a long time.   
4. I and Kenny __ pen pal friends since I ____ Singapore.   
5. The kids ____________ that show before.   
6. Since the worldwide recession of the 1990’s, the sail of jeans __________ growing.   
7. What were you doing when he _____________?   
8. Monica________ with her sister at the moment until she finds a flat.   
9. After I ______ lunch, I looked for my bag.   
10. Almost everyone ___ for home by the time we arrived.   
11. We _____ English this time last week.   
12. Henry _____ for 10 years when he finally gave it up.   
13. He said he would visit me, but he ____ me yet.   
14. The weather ____ fine so far this week.   
15. As soon as he ____ a certificate in English, he will apply for a job.   
16. Old Ted ____ twenty cigarettes a day till he gave up.   
17. While mother I ___dinner when the phone rang.   
18. We had just got out of car when it ___ to set fire.   
19. They will have gone home before you __ to meet them.   
20. This is the first time I ________ here.   

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Friday, May 16, 2014

HAND idioms QUIZ


1. Learning a foreign language goes hand in hand with International Business.     
2. Honey, can you hand me the car key, please? It's right next to you on the table.  
3. Jane Williams is a very good investigative reporter, you've got to hand it to her.     
4. The FBI told the local police that their case was off their hands. The investigation was now a Federal matter.     
5. Do we have enough people on hand to help us move our stuff into the house?     
6. The beginning of a new generation of computer software is at hand.   
7. As soon as he laid his hands on all that money, he donated part of it to charitable institutions.     
8. This last year, my company has made money hand over fist!   
9. Now the grandparents have the children on their hands.    
10. We need to do something about it! This situation is getting out of hand!     

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The best way to learn English???

From VOA Learning English this is As It Is.  I’m Anna Matteo in Washington.

Today on, As It Is, we will hear about something our listeners do every day they hear, read or watch VOA Learning English --  learning a second language.

We will hear whether being surrounded by a foreign language, or immersed in it, is the best way to learn a language.  Or are traditional lectures with grammar rules and vocabulary lists the best way to learn to speak like a native speaker.
Steve Ember has more on that topic.

What is the best way to learn a new language?  A small study of foreign language learning in adults compared two methods. One is known as the explicit or classroom method.  This is the kind of traditional classroom teaching where students are taught a lot of information about grammar rules.

The other method is known as the implicit or immersion method. The idea here is to learn much the way children do when they learn a native language. That is, by being with native speakers and absorbing the language that surrounds them, generally without a lot of explanation. Teachers may combine these two methods into what Professor Michael Ullman calls immersion-style classroom teaching. But is that necessarily a better way to learn a language?
Mr. Ullman was the senior investigator for the new study. He is a professor of neuroscience at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington.  He says he was surprised to find that combining the two methods might not help the brain in processing the new language

MICHAEL ULLMAN: "You know, if my life were on the line, and I had to learn a language, what would I do? I'm not sure. One possibility would be that, to start with explicit and then go to immersion, right? Start with classroom and then go to immersion. But there is this possibility that classroom could hurt later immersion. That's what, you know, one possibility of interpreting our data."  

The twenty-one adults in the experiment learned Brocanto2, a thirteen-word language created for the study. The words and grammar rules relate to a computer game similar to chess that the learners played. For example, "Blom neimo lu neep li praz" means "The square blom-piece switches with the neep-piece."
The researchers tested the people three to six months after they had learned the language, to see how well they could remember it. The study found that those who had learned it with the immersion method had brain waves similar to those of native speakers of a language when speaking that language.                                                                        

Professor Ullman says those who trained with the classroom method also became more native-like in their brain processing.  But only the immersion group showed full native-like processing of the grammarStill, he says teachers should be careful how they use the results of his study.

MICHAEL ULLMAN: "You know I would not make any curriculum changes based on this. Nevertheless, it is suggestive, and I think it warrants further research to see whether in fact what kind of training might in fact be best not just for reaching the native brain bases but also for, you know, maximum proficiency in different aspects of language, like grammar, you know, syntax and lexicon. So I think further research is warranted. And it may be, for example, that a combination of classroom and immersion might be best. But we don't know that."
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KEEP idioms Quiz

 Quiz on idioms with KEEP
1. My only advice to Charlie was to keep his chin up and stop worrying.     
2. His problem really was that he had tried very hard to be as successful as the rest of the people in his street by trying to keep up with the Joneses.     
3. When he confided in me, I promised Charlie that I wouldn't tell anybody about it and until now I have kept my word.     
4. Charlie's having a lot of problems with his business but at least he's keeping his head above water.     
5. In a situation like his of course the one thing you must do is keep the wolf from the door and try to find money to pay all the bills.     
6. That's the thing about Charlie even when things are really bad he doesn't panic and keeps his cool.   
7. It's surprising how few people knew that Charlie was having money problems but I suppose it was because he had kept it to himself..     
8. At least Charlie can manage that but he doesn't go telling everyone about his problem and keeps himself to himself.   
9. Some of his friends are a bit worried about him because he doesn't seem so friendly to them as he used to be and keeps his distance.    
10. The main thing that you have to admire him for is that he doesn't get into trouble and keeps his nose clean.     

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Tip 7 for better spoken English - Use Listen And Answer Stories

You learned English, probably from a teacher who spoke your own language. So when you were studying English you were always translating to your language from your language. When you studied vocabulary you would memorize the meaning in your language, translation. You also learn lots and lots and lots and lots of grammar rules. And so that makes you think all the time about English, when you’re supposed to be speaking, when you should be speaking easily without thinking, instead you’re thinking about grammar, you’re thinking about vocabulary. You’re also feeling nervous. All of these things are happening and that’s why your speaking is not so great right now.

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Tip 6 for better spoken English - Use Only Real English Materials

Tip 6 is to use real English materials. DON'T USE TEXTBOOKS. DON'T use textbook CDs. Use real English materials. So, how can you learn English using real English materials? By getting real materials that native English speakers would use. In this videos you'll hear the teacher discuss two examples of real English materials.

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Tip 5 for better spoken English - Use Point of View Stories

Tip 5 is to use point of view stories. How do we use this technique? How do we use point of view stories? Let's watch the video to answer the questions by yourself.

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Tip 4 for better spoken English - Learn deeply

So what does that mean when we’re talking about learning? Well, youneed to think about like your mind, your brain. So if you learn something deeply, the idea is that it goes deep, deep, deep. It goes into your brain very far, meaning that it’s part of you. You’ll never, never, never forget it. You totally master it. It becomes simple and easy and automatic. That’s the idea of learn deeply.

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